Important News from the University of cornturkey

Updates from the UoCT

This is where we keep exciting updates from our University, a school that trains students of all types of life. 

"Barton" the Blue visits a recent graduate, his [Barton's] first appearance after plastic surgery.
6 March 2022
Back by popular demand, Barton the Blue Mallard returns from drydock to support the vital services of Our University. 
4 March 2022
Maggie "Ladyfingers" Wayner wins "UoCT Girl Doctor of Year Award" for substantial contributions to the team, plenty of chutzpah all while playin' it cool as a lady.
The whole year of 2022
Ole Cornturk Magoo visits some highschool graduate hopefuls!
9 December 2022

UoCT Considers lawsuit against University of Kentucky

3 January 1987 

For copyright infringement due to uncanny similarity of their name and branding to the branding of the University of Cornturkey Blue Mallards and the original Ole Cornturk Magoo (TM) lovable scholarly friend. 

President Wadalapolous decided against the measures given the burden, the embarrassment likely to befall UoK and UoCT, as well as the fact that the retainer for the legal team would have cut into available corn stocks/stalks for students' lunches at recess.  

UoCT Hires DEI Dean, hoping to keep buildings strong, Stronger than before

12 November 2021

Today, President Kontornis Adjornus Wadalapolous (pictured) announced her selection of the new Dean for the Department of Don't Eat Ice cream. 

Given the increasing size of some of our students and the stress this has placed on several of our building's joists and rafters, Dean Angus "Turtle"  vonGrandhufen, Ed.D was brought on to help keep our students away from The Stuff.